CAC-Content Accessibility Check

make your site accessible
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The CAC - Tool (Content Accessibility Check) is a Java (TM) - application for evaluating websites accessibility based on the "W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0".

This tool gives you the opportunity to check your own websites on the guidelines of the W3C Organisation. In the year 1999, the W3C published the official guidelines how to create accessible sites.

Our tool checks the specified website and shows the results (faults and hints) in a table. You can jump to the location in the HTML document by simply clicking on the fault in the table. There you' ve got the option to correct your code and save the improved code to a file.

We invite you to download and try it!


"The power of the web is in its universality. Access by everyone regardeless of disability is an essential aspect." Tim Berners-Lee.